What are her favorite sports, music, movies, does she have Email Database siblings (and how many), age of her parents, does she have a job, does she have any children, and what age is she open to in looking for a husband. Filipina girls looking for an Expat husband are not Email Database hung up on your age or physical stature (such as height and weight). Another good tip as to the direction your relationship is whether you start getting hints or direct requests that she could use some money.
That should be a "red flag" to you that you are with the Email Database wrong young lady, and that you need to move on to another. Unlike in your home Email Database country, moving on to find another lady to communicate with is easy. That is not the challenge. There are so many young ladies looking for you as a potential husband, finding a lady to communicate with via the internet Email Database or letter will not be a problem. Sorting through them to narrow things down to a few to meet when you arrive in the Philippines will be your most difficult process.
What a problem to have!! Further, since you will want to Email Database narrow down your search for a Filipina from two or three to one, it would be best if you consider the geographic location of the ladies with whom you are communicating. It would be best if they Email Database are all located either in the southern part, the central part, or the northern part of the country, or you will spend considerable time just travelling once you arrive in the Philippines.