Well I love cows and I eat burgers. But but but it's on on seriously somewhere out there my personal story is related to transplants I've had a kidney transplant myself so all kinds of such actions are things that let's say I know in which I know where I can help and somewhere I try to be in in this direction associated as as as my activity outside of blogging or or is there charity right I leave other other other things to other influencers who are closer to these topics these topics. people also feel okay. MB Yes yes. PS There's an internal story behind it so MB Yes yes yes.
PS So even if it is it's not why they're following you it's not the media it's some kind of social action then people want to listen to it they want to participate in it. MB Well it is also in line with the belief of this influencer as if credible. All the time when I say influencer I have in the background people who listen to us and say what a dirty word is and so on. I don't either whatsapp mobile number list I don't particularly like this word it conjures up badly it's pronounced wrong and but there's no PS There's no better word. MB We are PS Yes yes because the word celebrity would be an exaggeration MB Yes. PS Even more so. MB An influencer I'm sure it won't be accepted or an influencer.
This this one hundred percent. An influencer is that's too too too long so so this influencer means influencer it doesn't have to be. We are also on the industry podcast so just like plumbers they have their own terms for some elbows switches and so on. PS Influencer can be too. MB Each each industry yes each industry has its own has its own terms so everyone who watches us is pissed that an influencer has died a hundred and fifty or three hundred times today. PS Sorry Gregory. MB This is our climate.